Sauce Or Dressing

  • Nana’s autumnal pasta sauce

    Nana does enjoy an Eye-talian every now and then. Grandad is a bit leery of foreign food, but as my sauce is made from his home-grown tomatoes he can hardly call it foreign, now can he? A big batch of sauce is the perfect solution to a summer surplus and freezing the sauce in plastic bags ensures it’s safe from pesky botulism. Tomato relishes and ketchups contain vinegar, boosting the acidity, so they are fine to bottle, but tomato sauce is a different kettle of fish. I can’t guarantee the mixture will be acidic enough to store safely in bottles so freezing is the answer. Zip-lock bags, filled and frozen flat so they stack neatly in the freezer, are perfect. I find some single-serve portions useful as well as bigger, family-sized batches.

    New Zealand Taste|Feb 28, 2013