Kitchen Tips

How lemonade can cure a headache

Headaches are, unfortunately, an irritating normality for millions of people, and they can be totally debilitating.

But new research has suggested that lemonade and lavender could be the answer to soothing this frustratingly common ailment.
Studies in to the healing properties of lavender oil haveconcluded thatthat it is an effective treatment for moderate migraine headaches, while theNatural Medicine Journalstated that lavender oil is also effective in managing moderate levels of anxiety and depression.
So to pair soothing lavender with rejuvenating lemon is a winning combination.
The humble lemon is packed full of vitamins that help to boost the immune system, as well as potassium, which helps to improve brain function.
And how delicious and refreshing is a tall glass of homemade lemonade, anyway?
The process is pretty simple – make your lemonade according to your favourite recipe (we lovethis one, but use raw honey or maple syrup instead of sugar.
Then add one drop of lavender essential oil, and garnish with sprigs of fresh lavender.
Voila – a beautifully-tinted drink that will help banish the ailments brought about by the daily grind.